Counseling Services

The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science provides a wide variety of counseling services through the individuals listed below.

Dr. Patrick Turnock, Licensed Psychologist

Cassandre Jean-Ceide, M.S.

McKenzie Watson, M.S.


How are appointments scheduled?

  1. Log into Navigate
  2. Click on Schedule an Appointment
  3. Care Unit: General Event (probably at the bottom of the list)
  4. Location: choose either of the TAMS Counseling offices that you prefer
  5. You may also contact us by sending an email to

If you are in crisis and cannot wait for a scheduled appointment, inform TAMS staff that you need to speak to the psychologist ASAP and they will contact one of us.

Dr. Patrick Turnock (940) 565-4657
Cassandre Jean-Ceide (940) 565-3306
McKenzie Watson (940) 369-7347

Personal Counseling

Career Counseling

Academic Counseling/Advising

Please see Academic Advising for additional information.