Counseling Services
The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science provides a wide variety of counseling
services through the individuals listed below.
Dr. Patrick Turnock, Licensed Psychologist
Cassandre Jean-Ceide, M.S.
McKenzie Watson, M.S.
How are appointments scheduled?
- Log into Navigate
- Click on Schedule an Appointment
- Care Unit: General Event (probably at the bottom of the list)
- Location: choose either of the TAMS Counseling offices that you prefer
- You may also contact us by sending an email to
If you are in crisis and cannot wait for a scheduled appointment, inform TAMS staff
that you need to speak to the psychologist ASAP and they will contact one of us.
Personal Counseling
Dr. Turnock's office is located in SAGE 390A. Lindsay's and Sabrina's offices are
located in SAGE 390B and 390C, and Violet's office is located in McConnell Hall behind
the Student Activities Center.
Anything of concern to TAMS students. Everyday decisions and challenges involving:
- Relationships
- Personal identity and growth
- Adjustment to TAMS
- Deciding on college major/career
Academic counseling issues should be referred to the TAMS Academic Office.
Students are welcome to come in and talk about these situations.
No, we do not report disciplinary issues.
Sessions are confidential. Exceptions include danger to self or others and explained
in more detail during first meeting
Some evening appointments are available. If the issue is urgent, ask any staff member
to page us. If it is necessary and helpful to come to the dormitory at night, we will.
No, all counseling is free of charge. Students can be seen as often as necessary.
Career Counseling
Many students come to TAMS without clearly defined career goals. Our career counseling
service provides an awareness and selection program designed to assist TAMS students
in developing a vision and a plan for the future.
The tests assess students' interests, personality types and work values. Students
identify individual interests and compare them to those of individuals who are engaged
in various occupations. Students also learn about their personality type and relate
it to the various tasks and responsibilities of different jobs. In addition, students
identify individual values and preferences that clearly impact work roles and satisfaction.
There is no charge for this service.
Career counseling and testing are provided by Dr. Turnock and his team.
Make an appointment by contacting anyone on the Counseling team. They will set up
a time to meet with you and arrange for you to take the tests. After the tests are
scored, you will be contacted to come in for your individual feedback concerning the
There is a lot of helpful information available on the internet. Two highly recommended
sites that provide job descriptions, required training, work conditions, salaries
and up-to-date forecasts of job prospects are The Occupational Outlook Handbook at and Careerinfonet at
Academic Counseling/Advising
Please see Academic Advising for additional information.