During the summer after their first academic year, TAMS students may decide to participate in summer research or summer courses. TAMS students are not required to participate in either of these programs. 

For a student to conduct research on campus during the summer the student must complete and be accepted into the TAMS Summer Research program by the application deadline. The application is required for ALL TAMS students wanting to conduct summer research regardless of whether student will be seeking scholarship or not. Additional information and application can be found at: /research/summer-research.  

Students interested in taking summer courses need approval and should consult with their TAMS academic counselors in the Spring concerning their interest. Students taking in-person courses are required to live on campus during the summer. All associated costs are the responsibility of the student.

Tuition and Tuition Related Fees

Cost Estimator- The UNT cost estimator is the best place to determine a base cost for the summer semester, the link is here: https://estimatemytuition.unt.edu/

Information about the Cost Estimator:

  • Choose the current Academic Year; it will be the same rates for the summer.
  • Location of Classes—makes a difference. Choose Denton Campus if you are doing any in-person courses. If all classes are true online classes choose the option but note the description needs to specify that the class is an online section (remote and other semi-online versions do not count) and all of your hours need to be online.
  • Major— choose the closest major which fits with the classes you are taking. If not sure, default to some form of Engineering as they have the higher-class fees.
  • Discrepancies—there are some fees the calculator doesn't ask enough questions to consider, such as lab fees. The amount provided by the estimator is a good estimate of what courses will cost for the summer, not an exact amount. The only way to get an exact amount is to enroll in the course/s and look on your student account.

Summer Room and Board Charges

Students enrolled in on-line only courses that requires no in-person interaction will not live on campus and can disregard this section.

  • Housing charges— students taking on-campus courses or conducting in-lab research will be required to live on campus. A summer application for housing will need to be completed and housing charges will be due during the summer. 
  • Meal Plans— also required with any housing stay is a meal plan, meal plans are divided into 5-week summer sessions so for someone taking full summer courses or summer courses in 5w1 and 5w2 you will need to sign up for both meal plans.

Summer housing and meal plan charges can be found at housing.unt.edu under rates once housing publishes summer costs. 


  • TAMS Summer Research Scholarships- Students who apply for and receive the summer research scholarship will receive $4,000 in total disbursed periodically throughout the summer (details are provided in the scholarship notification). The scholarship is enough to cover the 1-hour credit and 10-week room and board required by the summer research program. The student must complete the program and participate fully in order to receive all scholarship funds in which case there will be no out-of-pocket costs to students conducting research with the TAMS Summer Research Program.
  • TAMS Course Scholarships- Since summer courses are not required in order to complete the TAMS 2- year program, TAMS does not provide scholarship for students completing courses during the summer.
  • Other Summer Scholarships- If considering summer courses, students can complete the Summer Aid Interest Form on their UNT student account to be considered for specific summer scholarships offered by UNT. Even if you are unsure, please complete this form. If you do not take summer courses, it causes no issues to have completed the form. 

**Final Note: TAMS Summer Research Program is a thorough immersion in the research process and students are expected to complete 30-40 hours in the lab each week. Because of the stringent expectations, students cannot participate in summer classes and summer research simultaneously.