Application Kick-Off Webinar - Wednesday August 7, 6:30 pm

Challenge Yourself
TAMS students fully enroll at the University of North Texas, taking university courses from UNT faculty members on the cutting edge of their fields
Find Your Family
Join a community of 374 TAMS students under one roof: McConnell Hall. Join one of over 40+ clubs exclusive to TAMS students - or make your own!
Explore the Opportunites
With six different academic tracks and the ability to take electives, TAMS students can carve their own path to follow their passions in STEM.

Our Mission

The mission of the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science is to provide an accelerated education for bright, motivated Texas high school-age students who have demonstrated a passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The academy also seeks to provide its students with the companionship of intellectual peers; to encourage students to develop the creativity, curiosity, reasoning ability, and self-discipline that lead to independent thought and action; and to aid students in developing the integrity that will enable them to benefit society.
