FAFSA Website: https://studentaid.gov/
The FAFSA application can take several months to process, completion of the FAFSA
is the first step to understanding your family's financial obligation.
TAMS Specific Information for Completing FAFSA
When completing the FAFSA, there are some questions and responses which many TAMS
students are unsure of how to answer. Screen shots of these questions from the FAFSA
24-25 paper form are below with the appropriate answers highlighted or written in.

Completing FAFSA - Other Information
Important items to pay attention to when completing FAFSA
- Both student and parent/s will need to create a FSA ID. Students and parents need
to keep their FSA ID since it will not change from year to year.
- Only one (student or parent/s) should initiate the form and then pass it to the next
- Both student and parent/s must check the box allowing for the IRS direct data exchange.
Failure to do this will result in no SAI value.
- Review all entered information to make sure it is correct. Don't rush!
- If you are unsure what a question is asking for, use the information option on the
FAFSA (if online) or search for more details. The FAFSA will tell you what is considered
an asset, review these items to make sure your data input is accurate.
- Only student information should be in student section, do not place parent assets
or financial related information in student section.