TAMS Supplemental Scholarship (Academic Year- All Needs Met)

The TAMS Supplemental Scholarship covers any unmet need not covered by the TAMS Student Scholarship combined with the TAMS Mid-Class Scholarship and any grants or awards the student will receive. Loans are not considered part of awards because loans require repayment. The scholarship will fill any gap between costs and the verified Student Aid Index (SAI) as assessed by FAFSA/TASFA. The amount can cover all costs for the academic year (SAI values of 0 or below). Failure of a student to complete the semester the scholarship is applied in will result in a removal of the scholarship and potential balances due to the family.

Eligible Students: All TAMS Students

Academic Year Amount: All Needs Covered 


Incoming Students: Complete & submit FAFSA or TASFA prior to May 31, 2024 to ensure processing of scholarship by start of Fall semester. ** Complete any verification requests from FAFSA or UNT, verified SAI is required for students to be considered for the supplemental scholarship. SAI value demonstrates need by being less than the Cost of Attendance (COA) less all grants, scholarships, and awards the student is already receiving.

* * Incoming students can still complete FAFSA/TASFA and receive the scholarship after May 31 but the scholarship may not be processed and posted prior to the start of the fall semester.

Returning Students: Complete & submit FAFSA or TASFA prior to April 30, 2024. Complete any verification requests from FAFSA or UNT, verified SAI is required for students to be considered for the supplemental scholarship. SAI value demonstrates need by being below the Cost of Attendance (COA) less all grants, scholarships, and awards the student is already receiving.