Steps to Determine SAI for TAMS Scholarships (FAFSA)

1. Complete FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at

2. Once notified FAFSA is processed, review FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) at

  1. Aid mentioned on the FSS is federal aid not TAMS aid
  2. Look for SAI (Student Aid Index) amount and write it down

3. Use SAI from FSS to review the Cost Estimates at the website

The SAI value provided by the FSS is an initial provision based on information entered into the FAFSA. Additional verification may be requested by FAFSA and differences in verification information can change the SAI value accordingly.

For students completing the TASFA, UNT Financial Aid will send an email once the processing is complete. The email will contain either a request for additional information/documentation or provide the student with the SAI value and any state-aid information. The state-aid information is not related to TAMS. Use the SAI value to review Cost Estimates.

TAMS will automatically assess TAMS Mid-Class and TAMS Supplemental scholarships based on SAI values provided by UNT Financial Aid. The first notification to students occurs in June. Students will be notified of award amount/s or if their SAI value is not received for the student. TAMS will be unable to provide these awards prior to receiving a SAI value for the student. A student may have completed the FAFSA and TAMS may not have the SAI value. 

Reasons for No SAI Value

  1. Student and parent/s did not complete FAFSA or TASFA
  2. Student and parent/s did not check the box on the FAFSA consenting to IRS data exchange
  3. UNT was not identified in the College Selection section as a school to send the information to
  4. Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is incorrect on FAFSA
  5. SSN or ITIN is not on student record with UNT

The student will need to contact UNT Financial Aid to determine the reason UNT cannot link the FAFSA to the student. The student may be able to determine and resolve the issue using the reasons above and not need to contact UNT Financial Aid.