In order to reserve a van and driver for your travel needs, you must do the following:
  1. Reserve the van on the online calendar.
    1. Reserve vans only for the actual times the van is needed - not an entire block.
    2. Account for travel time when reserving the times online.
  2. Request a driver through the Driver Request Form - this must be requested by 8am on the Wednesday prior to your trip.
  3. Drivers are secured during the Wednesday Staff Meeting - you can find out the driver after that meeting by asking at the front desk. It will be posted on the staff weekend duty board.
  4. **Important Note** Our staff drives clubs and students on a voluntary basis. The administration does not force or require the staff to drive students somewhere if that staff member is unavailable. Pressure, guilt, or manipulation placed upon staff by students could result in a revoking of the driving privilege. Remember, these are "requests" and that "Please" and "Thank You" go a long way when interacting with people.
The following are guidelines for using vans:
  • In order to utilize our vans, you must have at least 5 students traveling.
  • As general practice, we drive the students within a 20 minute radius of campus. Events outside of Denton will require an additional notification to Aaliyah Navarro in order for us to seek special arrangements. As usual a driver is not guaranteed upon request.
  • Events in which it might be easier for a staff member to stay require the students involved to pay the fee associated with the staff member participating in the activity (movie tickets, museum tickets, dinner costs, etc.). Also, parking costs should be paid for by the attending students.
  • When arriving for a trip, have a student designated as “in charge” with a list of those going, directions to the event, and any other pertinent information.
  • Events that are planned outside the DFW area require previous approval through Aaliyah Navarro - contact him at least 3 weeks prior to such a trip.
If you have to cancel a reservation:

Before booking vans and drivers, you need to be sure that you will actually use them. Other clubs are kept from reserving vans while you have them booked and staff members have to rearrange schedules in order to drive. Here are the procedures for cancellations:

  • If you have to cancel a trip, please contact the front desk ASAP. You must let the front desk know at least 1 hour prior to the start of the trip. This also applies if you asked for multiple vans and find out that you need less than previously anticipated.
  • You also must go onto the online calendar and cancel your van reservation.
  • Failure to inform the front desk ahead of time will result in a warning. If this occurs a second time, that event, committee, or entity will go on probation for one week. A third offense may result in van and driver reservation privileges being revoked.