In an effort to avoid the clutter of signs in McConnell Hall and to maintain a well-ordered
lobby area, the following guidelines are in place:
Week at a Glance Board
Just outside the main stairwell in the lobby is a board that has space for every day
of the week. Clubs and staff can use this to post advertisements that pertain to a
particular day. These are the guidelines for posting on that board:
- Each sheet posted must be only a half sheet - 8.5 x 5.5 - posted horizontally.
- The flyer must include the club name, the name of the program, the day, and the actual
date (e.g. 10/25).
- Only one flyer per event can be posted on this board.
- You may post flyers up to six days ahead of your actual event.
- You cannot post over another flyer or take another flyer down.
Announcement Board
There is another bulletin board right next to the door near the mailboxes. This is
used for timely and pertinent announcements that don't have a date attached to them.
Flyers on this board can be a full sheet.
Large Banner Signs
Space for large banners is limited to the following spaces and dimensions:
- Space on each of the three doors leading into the Mac Café.
- Space above each set of mailboxes in the lobby.
These spots are available on a first come, first serve basis. Because space is limited,
the following criteria must be met in order to qualify to use them:
- Your sign must meet the required dimensions.
- Your sign must have neatly cut sides and be aesthetically attractive.
- Your sign can go up no earlier than three days prior to your program.
- Your sign must be taken down by noon of the day following your event.
- Your sign must include the club name, the name of the program, the day, and the actual
date (e.g. 10/25).
External Advertising
External advertising is any advertisement that physically or digitally leaves the
McConnell Hall. If you are planning to utilize external advertising, your advertisement
needs to include:
- An official TAMS logo
- The word TAMS or Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science
- UNT branding if applicable
If you have questions regarding external advertising policies please contact an Ambassador
Executive or the Ambassador PA.
Other Options
- Wing Boards - Give 15 copies of your flyer to the front desk - they can distribute
to RAs to get up on the wing bulletin boards. Please don't post them there yourself.
- Lobby Monitor - submit announcements and/or power point slides to the night desk
- Wing Announcements - send your announcement via the Clubs & Club Info Page or directly
via email to Aaliyah Navarro by noon on the Wednesday you want it announced.
- Special Exceptions - need an exception for something unique for your club? We can
usually work with you to help out on a case by case basis. Just email Ben at with your proposal and needs.
- Be Creative - think outside the box - how else can you get people's attention?