Here are a few common questions about doing Community Service as a TAMS Student:

  1. Is there a minimum requirement for Community Service Hours? TAMS has no minimum requirement for Community Service, only the requirements associated with being eligible for the Gold Cord award. We desire to create a culture of service among the TAMS students, a culture which strives to learn that the place of privilege is less a position of power and more a position of responsibility. The gates enteringinto Harvard Yard are inscribed "Enter to Grow in Wisdom" with the opposite side stating, "Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind." To be elite is not to be above people, but to be in a greater position to help those in need.
  2. Are the Hour Requirements for Gold Cord per semester or per year? Half of the required hours for a graduation award must be completed in the student's first year. For example, to qualify for the Gold Cord at graduation, a First Year TAMS Student must have completed 50 of the 100 hours by the end of their first year.
  3. How many hours can I get over the breaks? This is found in the "What Counts" Page. Please review it well before pursuing independent Community Service projects.
  4. What Counts for Community Service? The "What Counts" page sheds a lot of light on TAMS standards for Community Service. Community Service is different from Volunteering. The culture of volunteering is seen as anything in which a person is giving up of their time. Community Service is much more humanitarian in nature. To serve the community in a practical way is to meet the needs of those who will be lacking something essential in their lives unless you or someone else meets that need.
  5. Can I do Community Service outside of TAMS? Yes, you are able to arrange your own independent service opportunities whether that is in Denton or at your hometown during a weekend. Just make certain that it will qualify for community service approval. Consult the "What Counts" page or email Ben Warren if you have any questions.
  6. What do I do if I have trouble signing up for Community Service opportunities through the clubs? Most opportunities come through the or through word of mouth. Make sure that you join the specific TAMS Club facebook pages in order to hear of new opportunities. It is usually first come first serve, however if you find that there is favoritism being shown, contact Ben Warren. When an opportunity gets filled, we suggest that you present yourself as a 'backup' or ask the club to start a waiting list.